Fox Point Update: January 2025 Edition
- On December 30, 2024
President’s Letter
By Bill Graff | Email
Happy New Year to all our neighbors here at Fox Point! As we look to the bright future of 2025 with this community, I need to mention the work of these fine board members in 2024! These 10 people worked/volunteered all year seeing that FP still is the best neighborhood in 60010, and they ALL succeeded. With various projects completed, assets running well, and a keen eye to financial stewardship, these men and women put others before themselves as they took their responsibility seriously for which I, as your president, am grateful for their commitment. Thank you, Kyle Powal, Criss Chang, Jason Ehlert, Steve Kiperl, Greg Salter, Lisa Brooks, Taylor Shanfeld, Jeana Garms, Lindsay Keenan and Andrew Schwarz, for all you have done. It has been a pleasure to serve with you and it was your energy that made 2024 the BEST!
Now as we ALL move into 2025, please remember neighbors to get involved, and participate, because that is the secret to how Fox Point really works! Cheers!
Secretary Report
By Lindsay Keenan| Email
Each January, the Fox Point Homeowners elect members to the Board of Directors. As a reminder, we must have a quorum of at least 10% of Homeowners cast valid ballots. Therefore, please submit one ballot per household. Of note, the 2025 ballot also contains a special election for a board member resignation vacancy. Therefore, each household will vote for up to four (4) candidates.
Please find a link to the printable ballot below.
Fox Point Homeowners may submit their ballots by mail or in person (1 vote per household). Of note, ballots may NOT be handed to current board members or other residents for submission.
By Mail: Ballots must be received in the designated P.O. Box listed on the ballot by Friday, January 17, 2025.
In-Person: Ballots can be submitted in person at Village Church, 1600 E. Main St. – Door No. 7, Room 122 from 6:00-6:45 p.m. on Monday, January 20, 2025. Printed ballots will be available.
Additionally, an Annual Meeting will be held pursuant to the Bylaws in conjunction with the regular monthly meeting of the Association.
The schedule for January’s meetings will be as follows:
6:00-6:45 p.m. Homeowner In-Person Voting @ Village Church, 1600 E Main St. – Door No. 7, Room 122
6:30 p.m. January Board Meeting, 2024 Board
7:00 p.m. Annual Meeting & 1st Meeting of the 2025 Board
Social Report
By Jeana Garms | Email
2025 Santa Visits
The tradition of Santa visiting Fox Point continued on a beautiful Sunday morning that saw more than 40 Fox Point children visiting with Santa and his Elf, enjoying holiday treats and expending all that energy running around.
A special thank you to Tim Twitchell and Julie Meeske who once again served as Santa and his Elf! Your energy is infectious and your willingness to bring the holiday magic to our neighborhood is much appreciated. And thank you to Lisa and David Brooks and Pattie Felts for your help setting up and running the event!
2025 Card Party
Mark your calendars – the 2025 edition of the Fox Point Card Party will be held on Friday, January 31, 2025 at Makray Golf Club.
Event schedule:
5:30 – 6:30 pm Cocktail hour
6:30 – 7:30 pm Dinner
7:30 – 10:30 pm Card Game (This sometimes runs late so keep those sitters until 11:30 pm!)
Sign-up will go live Saturday, January 4 at 9am with the link provided via the Fox Point Social email distribution as well as an Instagram Story.
2025 Event Committee Sign-up
Sign-up is now available for the 2025 Social Event Committees.
In order for the continuation of the events we have come to expect in the Fox Point community, we need volunteers to take part in committees responsible for planning and executing each event.
More information and committee signups are available HERE.
Not on the Fox Point Social distribution? Email to opt in.
Civics Report
By Lisa Brooks | Email
Happy New Year! 2024 saw many new residents move into Fox Point whom our welcome committee (Sarah Giunchedi, Robin Fraczek and Jenny Postma) have been busy meeting and greeting. Thank you for volunteering your time! Also, this summer the committee and Board hosted a party poolside for new families of the past 2 years. Welcome to all and we look forward to seeing you at various FP events!
We have made a few behind the scenes changes to our website and monthly newsletters with the goal of communicating more effectively and timely. Please note that our website ( provides important material on upcoming events, homeowners’ information, and financial statements as well as newsletters from past years.
Lastly, when possible, I would like to highlight Fox Pointers making a positive impact in our community. Feel free to email me at if you, or you know someone, serving local organizations and activities. I will try to include those in the newsletter. Thank you!
Common Grounds Report
Common grounds continue to stay fairly quiet this time of year which means low snow totals. The first measurable snow event last week did prompt our vendor to respond quickly which was great to see.
The Lake Cook Road replacement project is still in the permitting stage with the Village of Barrington. I also spoke to an engineer who confirmed with me that both pedestrian bridges crossing the creek will be replaced next year. She did not have a specific timeline but is planning to keep me updated.
The Village will be hosting a Christmas light recycling program and the information can be found here .
Please reach out with any questions or feedback during the winter at any time. Thank you!
Architecture Report
By Andrew Schwarz | Email
This new year will kick-off with fresh priorities related to neighborhood guidelines and the lakeshore.
In the coming months, the Architecture committee aims to fully digitize the architectural approval process for speed and better record keeping, as well as update the Good Neighbor Guidelines. We will also be approaching the Village for an in-person meeting to bring about a close to our permitting process for the seawall at the Boat Landings area.
Reach out with questions, and please use THIS PDF to submit to the Board any planned exterior alterations you may be starting.
Safety and Welfare Report
By Greg Salter | Email
The new Fox Point playground is here! The new playground was installed in December, and features two separate main structures. One of the structures is designed for 2-5 year old’s, while the other is designed for 5-12 year old’s. Additionally, it includes a few new freestanding play components.
A significant effort from many within the Fox Point community went into the design, and we are thrilled to have a bigger and safer place for children in the neighborhood to play. The bridge and swing supports were reused, while the rest of the playground (including the swings themselves) are new. You may notice that the footprint of the play area slightly increased in order to accommodate the equipment and modern safety clearance requirements.
As the weather improves, we will be painting the swing structure to match the color scheme of the new equipment.
Lake Report
By Steven Kipferl | Email
Happy winter and happy new year! It has been an exciting year on the lake. We have had excellent fishing throughout the spring with several different varieties of species being caught. This extended into the summer and the fall. Ice fishing has been productive, even with some of the unpredictable early season ice.
As a reminder, the lake is at your own risk during the winter. There are no motorized vehicles, gas, or electric-powered, permitted on the lake at any point in time. This applies to electric boats in warmer months, and powered vehicles during the winter. Ice has been unpredictable, and this year we have already had one motorized vehicle crash into the lake, requiring rescue. Use the lake ice at your own risk. Homeowners at fault may be liable for any damage caused to the lake or surrounding area caused by inappropriate use of the lake.
Plans are underway to construct the carp barrier likely in the spring with an installation date corresponding to our final carp removal spring of 2025. The current population has decreased and continues to be a priority to remove as many invasive carp species from the lake as possible to better maintain the overall health of our lake. The lake’s health is strong, and we are noticing an increase in natural vegetation, as well as new species of fish, birds, and wildlife on and around the lake. Beaver removal will be performed on the island in order to protect the island trees. Please keep in mind that beavers are wild animals and may repopulate the area over time. The HOA is not liable for any damage to private property caused by any wildlife whatsoever. The HOA does have a responsibility to protect common HOA properties and common assets, and will continue to evaluate wildlife activity in the lake and dock.
If individuals are interested in joining the lake committee and being a part of regular discussions regarding the lake, please contact me at The lake committee continues to utilize cost-sharing initiatives and conjunction with Lake County and the village of Barrington to mitigate costs associated with maintenance. The Lake committee has been able to offset roughly 50% of the cost of lake projects in the calendar year 2024. We will continue to pursue these grant initiatives to save the association as much money as possible about maintaining the valuable asset that is Lake Louise.
Please enjoy the lake responsibly, and we will see you on the water.
Pool Report
By Criss Chang | Email
Looking back on the past year, we had some notable improvements at the pool. First, we onboarded a new pool management company, selected by your Board and pool committee members. Second, we upgraded the pool drinking fountain to provide cold water and bottle filler functionality. Thank you to Butch Hansen for spearheading this initiative. And third, a grill patio with gas lines and two gas grills were installed, thanks to the leadership by our Treasurer, Kyle Powal and a team of neighbors that performed much of the work. And fourth, we replaced the commercial freezer with a replacement, donated by Steve Nuzzo. All of these great upgrades can be traced back to volunteer ideas and efforts from our own Fox Point community.
As we venture into this next year, we will be building upon the relationship that we have begun with Chicagoland Pool Management. The lifeguard and front desk staffing recruitment process has begun. Please reach out to me by email if you have an interest in working at the pool this summer. I can help marshall the onboarding process for your son or daughter so we don’t experience any unnecessary delays in hiring. Reach me at
We are extending the 2024 Fox Point Pool Annual Survey for 2 more weeks, with a deadline of January 15. Please contribute your feedback. We have already received support for new programs including water aerobics, private swim lessons and extended baby pool time.
Finally, 2025 brings about my sixth and final year on the Board as Pool Chair. We will be working throughout the year to transition this role to a new Board member for 2026. Please reach out to me if you are interested in being part of the pool committee, which will begin meeting in February.
Tennis Report
By Taylor Shanfeld | Email
Happy New Year, FP! Youth tennis lessons, pickleball open play, “corks on the court” round robin event, and the end of season pickleball tournament kept the courts very lively in 2024 and I hope for the same and more in 2025. Our courts were reconstructed in 2018 which means they will be 7 years old this spring and due for a cleaning and some proactive maintenance. Overall, they are in good shape!
Please look for a survey in the coming months to gauge interest in adult tennis and/or pickleball lessons.
If you would like to be on the tennis committee to help with events this next season, please email me at Thank you!