Fox Point Update: December 2024 Edition
- On December 2, 2024
President’s Letter
By Bill Graff | Email
Well, the holiday season is here! I can see many festive lights and a good amount of activity growing in FP with the anticipation of “Tom Turkey” and the “Big Guy in the Red Suits” arrival. This is always a great time in our neighborhood! This month has also been busy as the entire board prepared the budget for 2025, as well as working on the board elections in January. I continue to be impressed with this team as they continue to plow forward on FP’s behalf, while managing their busy lives, very humbling for sure! I was also grateful, after the rounds of budget prep, that we were able to share the vision for 2025 with the Executive Finance Committee for their final approval. These men and women, former leaders for many years in our “hood”, worked to press us on our next steps, while helping to analyze the budget with a keen eye, and thus final approval. A shout out to Abe Ryder, Margaret Graff, Bruce Kukowski, Doug Zwiener, Steve Kipferl, and Kyle Powal for all their help with the Executive Finance Committee. Enjoy the holiday season!
Kate Feit
Hello, my name is Kate Feit, and I’m excited to join the board as Social Chair.
We moved to Fox Point in April 2020. Even though COVID was in full swing, this welcoming community made us feel right at home. My husband, Jake, and I have two kids, ages 4 and 2. You have most likely seen Jake taking the kids for a spin around the lake on his bike. My husband and I are Barrington natives, both having grown up in the village. When we were looking for our first home, Fox Point was number one on our list when considering neighborhoods.
I have been a member of the progressive dinner committee for the past two years, and I recently rolled off my volunteer position in an organization at my office called the Employee Experience Group, which primarily focused on employee engagement through social and volunteer events. During my tenure, I also led the team tasked with creating and implementing a quarterly volunteer initiative.
Professionally, I am a Certified Financial Planner® and lead the wealth planning offering in the Private Wealth Management group at Harris Associates in downtown Chicago.
As Social Chair, I’m looking forward to continuing the great tradition of events that have helped define this wonderful community within Barrington. I am passionate about making new residents feel welcome and ensuring they quickly feel a sense of belonging. I’m also committed to creating opportunities for existing families to connect and strengthen the bonds that make Fox Point such a special place to live.
Susan Lunt
Hi Neighbors! My name is Susan Lunt and I am excited to be running for the Fox Point Homeowners Association Board. My husband, Blake, and I moved to Fox Point in 2018 when we decided our Chicago rooftop “yard” wasn’t going to do the trick as we were about to welcome our third son. Both of us grew up in Barrington: I lived in Barrington Hills 8th grade through 11th grade and Blake was born and raised in Tower Lakes. Our boys are now 10, 8, and 5 and we’ve loved living in Fox Point.
Professionally, I work in commercial real estate finance as a relationship manager at PNC Bank, covering Chicago-based institutional owners, developers, and private equity funds. I have a B.S. in Finance from the University of Kansas and am ready to take on the responsibility of being a steward of Fox Point’s finances.
Fox Point is a wonderful and unique neighborhood that has benefitted from a committed board over the years. I would love to be a part of a legacy of volunteers that honors the traditions of the neighborhood and evaluates ideas to continue to improve our community.
Andrew Schwarz
Hi neighbors, I am pleased to be running for my second term on the Fox Point Homeowners Association Board.
As Architecture Chair since 2021, I led the effort to modernize our HOA’s digital email platform which resulted in better collaboration and record retention. I’ve also refreshed the architectural approval process and plan to further digitize this process in 2025.
What my wife Kristin and two young daughters (7 and 4) like most about the neighborhood are the diverse outdoor amenities. In a second term, I plan to carry through my diligent efforts to get a seawall installed in the Boat Landings area on Lake Louise so this area is easier to enjoy and more aesthetically pleasing for years to come.
Professionally, I lead a global marketing procurement team for a Fortune 100 company. In my spare time, I enjoy pickleball, golf, aviation, and exploring the area’s wonderful forest preserves with my family. I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving our neighborhood as part of the Fox Point HOA Board. Thank you.
Treasurer Reports
By Kyle Powal | Email
As 2024 comes to an end, the board has finalized the 2025 budget. We spent hours discussing and planning our anticipated expenditures for the coming year. We continue to be mindful of all Fox Point’s assets as well as the costs to maintain, repair, and eventually replace them. Inflation is not new to any of us as we have witnessed rising costs throughout most facets of our lives. Our HOA is no different and we must remain responsible while planning for years to come. When looking at our estimated operating expenses for 2025, costs are rising over 7%. These expenses are critical to the board’s operation of our neighborhood amenities.
From a capital standpoint, the HOA has just under $1.5M in reserves. While this number seems healthy, the board has identified potential future reserve expenses that could exceed eight figures – one of the main drivers being a pool replacement in around 35 years. We must remain diligent in continuing to build a solid reserve fund for maintenance, repair, and eventual replacement of HOA assets. For 54 years, FPHOA has maintained one overall financial goal – AVOIDANCE OF DEBT and thus avoiding the need to impose Special Assessments on all owners. The current board is acting in the HOA’s best interest to keep this tradition alive.
Your board has some exciting plans for 2025 and beyond. As many of you remember from this past summer, the playground is nearing its useful life. Greg Salter and the team have received approval from the board to replace the playground! The board has also approved the replacement of the fence parallel to Lake Cook! The seawall at the boat landing is also still in the roadmap! All these projects are awaiting final permitting approvals from the village. These are just a few of the projects your board is working on. Please refer to the respective board reports for additional information on all these projects.
There will be plenty of opportunities to pitch in and volunteer your time and talents over the coming months. Please reach out to a board member or join us during our monthly meetings. It is incredible how much we can accomplish with a bit of organization and a small donation of our time. We would love to hear your ideas and look forward to seeing you around the neighborhood!
The proposed 2025 Budget is the framework of an intention to spend, and consists of 3 components:
- Operating – These are recurring annual expenses to support the daily/seasonal operations.
- Capital Reserves – These are monies that represent the approximate depreciation of common assets, over time, set aside for future major cyclical maintenance expenses, major repairs, restoration, and replacement of assets.
- Annual Assessment – Each owner’s equal share of Operating Expenses and allocation to Capital Reserves which approximates the annual deterioration (depreciation) of all hard assets and funding towards the health of the Lake, Creek, and Pond assets.
Proposed 2025 Operating Budget- $310,700
There are six components within the Operating Budget: Administration, Pool, Lake Management, Tennis Common Grounds, and Social. Within these components, Insurance, Professional Pool Management, and Landscaping are the most significant expenses.
Proposed 2025 Capital Expenditures- $335,000
There are several projects planned for 2025:
- Fence – $115,000. Installation of a fence replacement along both sides of Lake Cook.
- Playground Replacement – $80,000. The useful life of this equipment is approaching its end and needs to be replaced.
- Phoslock Treatment – $315,000. We remain in the early phase of restoring the overall health of Lake Louise. While phosphorus is an essential element for plant life, too much phosphorus can speed up algae bloom and unpleasant odors, common in lakes throughout the world. This multi-year treatment is intended to reduce excess phosphorus, common in lawn fertilizers that drain into the lake.
- Pool Complex Repairs – $25,000. As a reminder, the pool is eight years old and equipment to operate the pool does wear out and needs to be replaced.
- Cul-de-sac Restoration – $15,000.
- Boat Yard Landscaping – $30,000. Backfilling grounds behind the soon to be installed sea wall. Potential leveling of field on opposite side of the street, if permitting allows.
- Fish Stocking – $7,500.
- Asphalt Sealing – $7,500.
- Carp Barrier – $40,000. This will prevent carp from entering the lake from downstream. This will improve the overall health and ecosystem of the lake.
We will be increasing our Capital Reserve Fund by $49,455 in 2025.
Proposed 2025 Annual Assessment – $1,605
The Annual Assessment funds the Operating budget, Capital expenditures, and depreciation of assets over time so that there are adequate funds available to take care of business when it becomes necessary to do so. In 2025, we intend to allocate the annual Assessment as follows:
44.7%- Operating Expenses
55.3%- Capital Reserves
We have invested over $3.3 million into capital projects (replacement of 50-year-old Pool, Tennis Courts and major, top to bottom, renovation of the Pool House, Masonry Wall Restoration, etc.) over the past 8 years and intend to invest an additional $335,000 in 2025. We have done so without incurring debt/imposing a Special Assessment because our Capital Reserves have been adequate to take care of business.
To avoid debt, the value of an HOA’s Capital Reserve needs to be tied to its future liabilities. We have 30 high-level common assets with hundreds of moving parts behind them. Sooner or later, everything wears out and requires restoration or replacement. The allocation from the Annual Assessment to Capital Reserves should approximate the annual rate of depreciation of all assets. Inflation is also a factor in restoration and replacement costs.
The Lake/Pond /Creek has been on the back burner while the restoration/replacement of many major hard assets occurred. We are committed to restoring the health of the lake, going forward.
While there is no clear end to rising costs, the board has approved a 7% increase in our annual assessments. The 2025 obligation will be $1,605 per household.
The 2025 calendar year Annual Assessment will be invoiced in late February and is due March 31, 2025.
2025 and Beyond
State law requires us to project capital expenses and disclose whether borrowing funds/imposing a Special Assessment is contemplated two years into the future.
Our projections follow the Proposed 2025 Budget and include the replacement of 3,020 linear feet of wood fences along the north and south side of Lake-Cook Road and the replacement of the playground and surrounding area. We also plan on replacing the shade structures at the pool, as needed. Two additional expenses to keep front of mind, although may not occur for many years, are Lake Management/Dredging as well as the pool replacement.
Interest Income
Our current reserve account is in a fully insured money market account with a current interest rate of 3.5% (fluctuates with market conditions). In 2024, we expect to earn over $50,000 in interest income! For comparison, the HOA earned about $800 of interest income in 2022 due to low-interest rates.
As interest rates hold at elevated levels, the board is thinking proactively and has approved a tiered investment approach to maximize our return on savings. We will be utilizing both Certificates of Deposits and T-Bills with various maturity dates to earn more in interest while preserving our principal. We will not exceed 50% of our total reserve holdings, as to remain liquid in the event of an unexpected expense. Implementing this plan should result in an estimated interest income of nearly $30,000 in 2025!
By Jeana Garms | Email
2024 Progressive Dinner
With 60 Fox Point residents coming together for an evening of food, drinks, and laughs, the 2024 Fox Point Progressive Dinner was a resounding success!
The event could not have come together without the work of our fantastic planning committee of Katie Borth, Kate Feit, Kate Conerty, and Allie Klimek, and of course our host houses! Special thanks to Brian and Christine Mickey for hosting the appetizer portion of the evening and to Dan and Melissa Pohl for hosting desserts.
Looking forward to another great event in 2025!

Fox Point 2024 Progressive Dinner Planning Committee: Katie Borth, Kate Feit, Kate Conerty, Allie Klimek
2025 Santa Visits
Come meet Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Fox Point Pool! Fox Point residents can register their families to meet and take their picture with Santa and Mrs. Claus while enjoying hot chocolate and treats.
When: Sunday, December 8th, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Where: Fox Point Pool House
Cost: $5 per child
Registration closes Friday, December 6th.
Register HERE.
Save the Date! 2025 Card Party
Mark your calendars – the 2025 edition of the Fox Point Card Party will be held on Friday, January 31, 2025 at Makray Golf Club.
More details to come along with registration in early January.
2025 Event Committee Sign-up
Sign-up is now available for the 2025 Social Event Committees.
In order for the continuation of the events we have come to expect in the Fox Point community, we need volunteers to take part in committees responsible for planning and executing each event.
More information and committee signups are available HERE.
Not on the Fox Point Social distribution? Email to opt in.
By Lisa Brooks | Email
As the year winds down and the holidays are here, calendars are filling up fast!! I hope you have plans to spend time with your family, share an evening with friends, or take a walk around the neighborhood to enjoy the bright lights. Please also remember the joy of giving. Locally, Barrington Giving Day has collection boxes set up around the community until December 6th – see here for locations and items needed.
Wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays!
Common Grounds
Winter has finally arrived which has slowed down business in the Common Grounds Department. That being said, I am currently working on a few agenda items to prepare for next spring. Fence permitting for the Lake Cook Fence Rd replacement project is still under way and being handled by the vendor. Once this permit has been approved, the project will begin on March 30th, 2025. We are also working on improving a few cul-de-sacs around the neighborhood next spring based on feedback from the community. These will include additional plantings, trimming, and grass enhancement.
As always please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or feedback at Thanks!
Architecture Report
By Andrew Schwarz | Email
Thanks to everyone who has submitted their exterior projects to the HOA for approval. We have lots to look forward to in 2025.
In the coming year, the Architecture committee aims to fully digitize the architectural approval process for speed and better record keeping. The Board has also expressed interest in enhanced Good Neighbor and Architectural guidelines. More to come!
Also, of course, we are still under contract for the installation of the seawall at Lake Louise. The permitting approval remains with the Village of Barrington and is complicated by the flood plain delineations in the area. We plan to take a more active approach with the Village over the winter and remain intent on the wall being installed as soon as feasible.
Lake Report
By Steven Kipferl | Email
Hello neighbors! This budget season, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your support. The lake community is working hard to split costs between the county and HOA whenever possible. We have managed to offset around 50% of lake project costs this year by partnering with the county on specific water quality improvement initiatives. This means that homeowners in this association are spending less money and getting more results in our water quality improvement efforts.
We have had an amazing year on Lake Louise! The water quality has improved again, making it the fifth year in a row. We have also seen more natural vegetation growing, thanks to our restoration efforts.
Just a friendly reminder to be careful with trees near the lake. Please refer to the November newsletter for the latest in recommendations to protect trees you may have near the water. Beaver activity has been on the rise this fall, so protect the trees and shrubs you intend to keep.
We will continue working on the boat dock area, and there are still spots available on the rack. We are also planning a shoreline restoration project for either late fall or spring 2025.
The lake is still buzzing with life! Fishing has been fantastic this year, and we have even netted some hybrid striped bass. There are also plenty of largemouth bass, small Northern Pike, bluegill, crappie, and catfish in the lake. For spring 2025, we are planning to install a carp barrier and work with Lake County to remove the carp population once and for all.
The committee will keep looking for ways to share costs, so if you’re interested in joining, please contact me at I’ll send you an invitation to one of our monthly meetings. Everyone is welcome!
As we head into winter, please be careful on the ice. The lake usually freezes, but can be unpredictable. Use it at your own risk and travel with a partner if you plan to go on the ice. As a rule of thumb, lake ice should be more than 4 inches thick prior to walking on it. For your safety, please self-test lake ice thickness if you plan to venture onto the ice. Also please remember there are never motor vehicles permitted on the lake or ice, per the bylaws.
Thanks for another great season! See you on the lake!
Pool Report
By Criss Chang | Email
Thank you to those that completed the 2024 season pool survey. Significant improvement was measured by survey responses in comparison to last year. We can attribute the improvements to the efforts of the new pool management team that took over this season. And despite some transition issues with staff recruitment and unexpected mechanical challenges that will be addressed prior to the start of the 2025 season, things are headed in the right direction. Take a look at some of the survey results in comparison to last season.
- Confidence in lifeguard emergency response – 89% (2024) vs 57% (2023), 32-point improvement
- Need more communication from lifeguards – 31% (2024) vs 58% (2023), 27-point improvement
- Attendees lack of adherence to pool rules – 23% (2024) vs 44% (2023), 21-point improvement
- Overall experience in 2024 – 57% Good or Great / 36% Ok / 7% Unsatisfied (2 respondents)
- Strong interest in new programs: 1) Weekday morning use of baby pool and 2) Water aerobics classes
There’s still time to access the survey link here – 2024 Fox Point Pool Annual Survey Form. We will keep the survey open through the end of December to allow for more residents to share their feedback and experiences. We received 32 responses this year, compared to 155 responses last year, so if you have not completed the survey, please take a moment to help shape the direction of our pool for next season.
There is a pool committee, so if you are interested, please send me your email address and I will include you in our upcoming 2025 planning meetings. There is an opportunity to communicate your interest in joining the committee through the survey as well. Thank you for helping make this past pool season a safe and enjoyable experience for all in this neighborhood. Happy holidays!
Tennis Report
By Taylor Shanfeld | Email
My apologies for keeping you in suspense as to who won FP’s inaugural pickleball tournament in early October!
Congratulations to the Tabak/Frommeyer team for bringing home the hardware! And nice work to the runner-up, Team Stetson! I heard it was a very fun match to watch.
Thank you to all 16 teams who participated. If you would like to be on the list for future pickleball tournaments, please sign up via the link below. All skill levels are welcome.
The beautiful fall allowed for a lot of court activity late into the season. As of a few weeks ago, the tennis nets and windscreens have been taken down and stored away for the winter and I will store the pickleball nets away in the next few days as snow and cold seem to be more prominent in our forecast.
I look forward to next season and would love any assistance in planning tennis and/or pickleball events. Please reach out to if you are interested!