Fox Point Annual Assessments

Homeowner Assessment


Annual Dues: $1,605.00

The Annual Assessment for the 2025 Calendar Year is payable no later than March 31, 2025. There are two ways to satisfy the annual obligation, check or online


Paying Your Assessment By Check

Mail your check to:

Fox Point Homeowners Association
c/o Picker & Associates
750 Lake Cook Road, Suite 375
Buffalo Grove, IL  60089



Occasionally a homeowner desires to pay their dues online. To accommodate credit cards our accountant has enabled Fox Point to use their third- party facility. This facility accepts MasterCard or Discover credit card. Third- party vendor charges apply:

2.95% of payment value, plus  

$9.95 service fee applies only when card information is phoned into the third-party vendor.

Establish an account.

  • Select a property. Note the third-party vendor has many accounts throughout the country. Enter 750 Lake-Cook (Fox Point accountant’s address), then
  • Enter your address, then your name. The third-party vendor carries only one name per household. If you are a dual name household, it may be necessary to try both names.
  • Enter credit card information.

Paid Assessments Letter

If you are selling or refinancing your home and need independent confirmation of the status of your account balance, please contact our accounting firm:

Picker & Associates
750 Lake Cook Road
Suite 375 
Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089

Linda Smith
(847) 541-4000

There is a nominal fee for producing such letters.