Fox Point Update: March 2022 Edition
- On March 8, 2022
President’s Letter
By Abe Ryder | Email
Greetings Fox Point Neighbors,
Seasons are beginning to shift again and as I write this, we just had a few days in the 40s. By no means are we completely out of winter yet, however, signs are appearing that spring is on its way. A good benchmark is seeing the number of people in groups walking in Fox Point and greeting each other with waves as neighbors pass by foot or by vehicle. We are starting to emerge!
And we emerge from (fingers-crossed) this pandemic, it is time once again to get back to one of the core areas that makes this neighborhood and the people in it so wonderful – social activities!
Rena Slovick has done a wonderful job of leading the Social Committee through the past couple of years with new and creative pandemic-friendly activities to continue to build community in Fox Point. As we all have had to deal with flexibility in our own lives with an activity “on” or “off”, the Social Committee has had to do the same. In addition to the virtual March Madness Bracket Challenge event and the Easter Egg hunt, we are excited for the return of the Card Party on April 29th. Stay tuned to further details. AND as we seek to reinvigorate more social activities (e.g. Progressive Dinner) as we return to “normal” in Fox Point, please volunteer your time and talent with the Social Committee. Reach out to Rena for more details on how you can help.
As will be highlighted Kyle’s report, Picker & Associates has sent out our annual dues statement due March 31st. Enclosed in that letter, is information regarding our 2022 Fox Point Directory. Please fill out and mail back along with your dues.
As always, we welcome attendees at our monthly Zoom Board Meetings. The next one is Monday, March 14, 2021, at 7 PM, which is pulled up a week earlier to avoid the week of Spring Break with Barrington 220 schools. We welcome ideas, suggestions, and feedback, as we all have a vested interest in this community we call home.
Treasurer Report
By Kyle Powal | Email
It’s that time of the year again. Our 2022 Annual Assessment of $1,175 is due no later than March 31, 2022. Every owner of record should have received an invoice from our accountant, Picker & Co, during the last week of February. If you have not received an invoice, it is your responsibility to contact Picker to request an emailed copy. Requests can be directed to Linda at 847-541-4000.
Your check should be mailed to:
Fox Point Homeowners Association c/o Picker & Co.
750 Lake – Cook Rd. Suite 375
Buffalo Grove, Il. 60089
Should you want to use a credit card, be aware merchant banking fees apply. Click here for directions.
A reminder that the right to use Association assets or attend events can be suspended/is forfeited due to delinquent assessments.
Safety & Welfare
By Bill Graff | Email
This month I want to highlight how the neighborhood area’s main gas lamps (at intersections and at the entrances) are maintained on the thoroughfares throughout the Fox Point neighborhoods. The Village maintains these larger lights and when one is out of order, I will report this to the Village. They then dispatch their team to repair them. Sometimes I have learned we must connect with Niocr as well when the problem is a gas line issue. This procedure takes a bit more time, but there is a process in place, which we will follow.
I will do an audit from time to time of the gas lights and report my findings to the Village for their action. A special thank you to those neighbors who have pointed out a broken gas lamp on their street, the help is always appreciated! Stay safe and keep Fox Point well lit!
By Andrew Shwarz | Email
Homeowners – thinking about starting a home improvement project? The HOA reminds you to refer to the Village of Barrington’s permitting guidelines and complete/submit the Fox Point Architecture Application.
As we gear up for a busy spring and summer, please submit all FP Architecture Applications to me prior to the 1st of each month to ensure review in that month’s meeting (which takes place on the third Thursday). Please note that homeowners must be current with their HOA dues in order for the Board to consider or approve Architecture Applications.
In addition to sites like NextDoor and Google, here is a helpful starting point to determine contractors or vendors who specialize in the work you are seeking to have completed.
If I can be of any assistance as you undertake projects for your property, please send me a message via the Next Door App (here is a link to my profile).
By Rena Slovick | Email
Fox Point Card Party
The rumors are true! After a 2 year hiatus, the Card Party is returning to Makray on Friday, April 29th! Feeling Lucky? I’m looking for 1-2 people to be “assistants to the card party chairs” in hopes of learning the ropes to take this event over in 2023. Let me know if you’re interested in spearheading the hottest event of the season –
The Return of the Fox Point Card Party will take place at Makray Memorial Golf Club from 6 pm to 11 pm. Sign-ups will take place on Saturday, March 12th at 9:00 am. This event does sell out so mark your calendars! Please note that there will be no refunds for cancellations that occur after 4/10 as we need to finalize the headcount with the venue. Cancellations received after 4/10 will either need to arrange for replacements or forfeit the full cost paid at sign-up.
Sign up HERE.
The game is “Capture the Flag” (similar to Euchre… ask someone from Indiana)
Date: Friday, 4/29
Time: 6:00pm – 11:00pm
Location: Makray Memorial Golf Club
Schedule for the evening:
*6:00 – 7:00 Cocktail hour
*7:00 – 8:00 Dinner
*8:00 – 11:00 Card Game
*11:00 – Poor Life Choices at the Doodle
Your entry fee of $70 will cover dinner, dessert, and prizes. There will be a cash bar (credit cards will be accepted). Payments will be collected via Sign-Up Genius at the time of registration. You can pre-select your foursome or ask us to assign you to a team.
Fox Point March Madness
Back by popular demand the Fox Point March Madness Brackets are back and we want you to be a part of our Bracket Challenge!
How to Play:
Log in or register for a CBS Sports account and enter the group password (if requested).
URL: Links are not live as of print date – they will be sent when they are available.
Password (if requested): TBD
Picks must be submitted by 11:00 a.m. Central Time by the start of the first game.
1. Fox Point Residents Only
2. One bracket per person, BUT more than one person in your household can play! Invite the entire “home office”
3. $5 entry fee per bracket made payable via Sign-up Genius. Entry fees will go towards Fox Point events such as our upcoming Easter Celebration!
1st place: Gift Card to a local B-town Establishment, FP Yeti of your choice, & bragging rights over your neighbors for a full year (maybe a tank top to wear at the pool?!?)
2nd place: Fox Point Yeti Swag of choice
Last place: We don’t disclose your true identity
Let the Madness begin! Go Big Ten!
Fox Point Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 9th! More Details to come!
**We will be in need of an Easter Bunny! If you lost a bet or have a teenager (community service hours?) willing to moonlight as our Easter Bunny for a couple of hours I know the kids would appreciate it! Please contact Rena at
Fox Point Swag
New to the hood? Need proof that you live here? Fox Point Social can fix that! There are a select amount of Yeti 30oz Tumblers, 20 oz Tumblers, Wine Tumblers, & Car Magnets in stock (aka in my guestroom) Click on the Sign-Up Genius below to order. All drinkware is in Black & White (#barringtoncolors) etched with the Fox Point logo in Silver. Kids’ Water bottles are 12oz and are Red.
Civic Affairs
By Mark Villalovos | Email
Neighbors and friends. I’m going to echo the message that a few of my colleagues have mentioned in this month’s newsletter. How do you become one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in one of the best Chicago suburbs? It’s all about our COMMUNITY – participation in social events, bringing neighbors together for fellowship and memory-making. Those efforts take VOLUNTEERS. Your board works very hard at delivering unique and memorable events, but more hands make lighter work. Please consider sharing your time and talents as a future leader or worker bee at the Card Party, Easter festivities, or join a committee (like the welcoming committee!). How do you get involved? Contact Rena, Abe, or I and we’ll find a place for you in an upcoming event.
Thanks for being such a wonderful group of souls – I look forward to meeting more of you in the coming year!
Common Grounds
By Jay Roberts | Email
Fellow Neighbors-
As we approach Spring, a lot of our Common Grounds duties will begin to kick in. I’m looking forward to another busy year!
Monument Walls
I know I mention this almost every month, but if you read the last newsletter, the work for the monument walls is beginning. This month, we will have vendors come out to assess their portion of the project and submit their bids. This will be relatively routine since most of them have been out before. Please continue to look out for updates as this project moves forward throughout the year.
Branch Removal
During the latest winter squall, we did have numerous branches down due to high winds. Those will all be cleaned up in the coming weeks. There was also significant damage to some of our crab trees by the pool. On the bright side, most of those crab trees in that area were already in rough shape with some dead branches. We will evaluate that area and look to replace those in the coming months if needed.
Lake Report
By Steven Kipferl | Email
As we speak, we have finally broken above freezing temperatures and the snow is starting to melt. As a reminder, please be careful this time of year on the Lake Louise ice, which can be unpredictable with the freezing and thawing that is occurring.
This year we continue our lake committee focus on improving the water quality of the lake. Based on local professional recommendations, we will continue year two, of our 3-year application of Phoslock to the lake which will help lower the high phosphorous content. This is a well-known treatment that lakes in our area have been using with success. We are also investigating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a built-in phosphorous binding system to further clarify water inflowing to the small pond on the south side as well as at the mouth of the lake. The effect should help control the algae blooms we have endured the last several years. In addition, this will help with water clarity which will also increase plant growth as well as oxygen levels. It is believed that low oxygen in the lake caused a high number of fish to die off, which has affected the overall fishing experience for our anglers. Additionally, as in the past several years, we will continue to stock quality sport fish to the lake and work to lower the overall carp population.
In addition, we will be formulating a comprehensive lake management plan this year to further balance the water quality in the coming years. This will be discussed with the lake committee and formulated by the summer hopefully.
Volunteers are also needed for an island clean-up project that will allow for the removal of overgrown areas and provide more useable space on the island for camping, exploring, and overall enjoyment. If interested, you can reach out at and let me know.
Throughout the year we will provide updates on other short and long-term plans to improve Lake Louise and the wonderful asset it is to our community. Looking forward to a great year on the lake!