Fox Point Update: October 2019 Edition
- On October 4, 2019
President’s Letter
By Mike Moran | Email
It is Fall and what an incredible time of the year to be in Fox Point!!! The colors of the trees begin to change, the air starts to cool off, and the sunsets to the west start to become brilliant & eye-catching as you gaze at them over the Lake. The natural beauty of our community is one of the amazing attributes that make Fox Point one of the greatest places to live within Illinois.
I want to again thank all of the very talented and hard working board members & volunteers for their dedication and support of Fox Point and for all that they do within our neighborhood. Please take the opportunity to show them your support the next time you see any of them in the neighborhood.
It is that time of the year when we look start the process for planning the 2020 Homeowners Association Board in Fox Point. This year we have four incredible neighbors whose terms will be expiring and we need four new volunteers to help us carry on the legacy of Fox Point. If you have an interest in volunteering, please reach out to either Stephanie Payne (who is serving as Nominating Chair) or myself and we can get you some additional information.
I was driving home a week ago and noticed something truly inspirational as I rounded the curve on Lake Shore North. One of our neighbors has been very sick in recent months and through incredible strength has returned home to continue her fight- but she is not able to walk. As I looked ahead along the quiet road toward home I noticed a person being pushed by one of her friends around the lake. Now a walk around the lake is not easy and I cannot imagine having the heart and kindness for one’s neighbor & friend to get them out of the house to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors by pushing them around the lake in their wheelchair. What an incredible act of kindness and compassion–Kristin Cannon you are my hero of the week!! The people in Fox Point are truly amazing and inspiring!!
Our neighborhood is multi-faceted — comprised of original owners, long-term owners and new ones. We are also a multi-generational community – Young couples and families, empty nesters and retirees. It is this diversity that makes Fox Point the place that it is to live.
By Stephanie Paine| Vice President | Email
Social Update
My board term comes to an end this year and I’ll be rolling off in January – if you are interested in running for the board and taking on social, please reach out to me to discuss! I’ll still be involved in social events and will support the next chair through the transition.
Fox Point Golf Outing – October 12, 2019
Last call for signups for the Fox Point Golf Outing on October 12! The deadline to signup is 10/5. Join for 18 holes and dinner ($140/person), 9 holes and dinner ($100/person) or dinner only ($42/person). Tim Twitchell is coordinating the outing this year and he’s looking for a few helpers the day of the event. Please reach out to him at 847-436-0076 if you’d like to assist with the event! Sign up here:
Common Grounds
By Jay Roberts | Email
Welcome to Fall!
Last month, I mentioned several projects that will either continue or get started in the next couple of weeks.
The cul-de-sac renovation will continue from last year and we will complete 3 more this year. Target date to start is October 7th. I’m still figuring out the 3 for this year but will finalize that soon. I hope to include at least 1 on the south side.
Earlier this year, we took 3 of the dead/dying Austrian Pines out that run along Lake Cook Road. I’m looking at a couple of more this year to take out as well depending on what we can replace them with. At some point, they all need to be removed.
As for the monument walls with the black fence, I’m getting super close to getting that project finally started. Fall is the optimal time to complete. The walls will be easier to access with the leaves and such starting to fall. Again, the target date to start is early October. I know the black fence is in terrible shape and has been down for part of the summer in some places. That will be addressed as well. It either will be restored and reattached, removed, and/or completely replaced with an alternative solution. I appreciate your patience with this project, but a resolution is coming soon. I wanted to look at all our options and make the best decision based on the look we want to preserve for that area and the cost to complete.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
By David Jobes | Email
As we approach fall the lake committee wants to share some high level updates on the projects we have been reviewing.
- Boat storage rack: We decided to postpone the installation in order to look at the marina area in its entirety as well as to get a better understanding of future boat storage needs. With the intent to install this year we had announced an annual fee, which has since been removed, for each boat utilizing the storage system and we are reviewing how to easily manage this. The purpose is not to make this as a money maker but to keep the storage area cleaned up and available to homeowners who want to boat on the lake, not to dump and forget. Expect to see more on this in the next few months.
- Kayak and canoe launch system: Earlier in the year the Board approved a small marina dock that had rollers for easy kayak/canoe in and out. Finding a contractor to install it was taking some time and during this process we found a different kind of dock that did not have to be taken in/out of the water for the seasons. This new permanent dock pricing was substantially above the original amount approved and is on the wish list for our 2020 budget.
- Abandoned Boats: We seem to have a few boats laying around the Marina, particular two paddle boats, see images, that have been sitting by the water’s edge for over a month. If these belong to you, please come get them or we will be donating to the local garbage dump shortly.
If anyone wants to have a discussion about the lake plans, boat storage or just has ideas to help make Lake Louise more enjoyable please send me an email at
Enjoy the onset of fall!
By Horace Seely-Brown | Email
As communicated last month, work on the Poolhouse renovation project is still slated to begin this month. We are working through a few tweaks to the final plans and will keep the neighborhood updated in the coming months via the newsletter or NextDoor.
And as a reminder we will have heavy machinery coming in and out of the pool entrance so please be extra careful driving in and around this area in the months ahead.
Safety & Welfare
By Jeff Barnum | Email
Hello Neighbors,
As Halloween and Daylight Savings time are fast approaching, now is the time to remind everyone to be extra cautious at night not only when driving but also when walking the streets.
As drivers, we need to slow down near parked cars, bikers, pedestrians, or even when kids are playing in front yards.
As for bikers and pedestrians, please consider brighter colored clothing when walking in the dark. Even at slow speeds it can be difficult to see at night. I find that a flashlight pointed towards the ground is the best way to draw attention to oncoming cars.
Halloween is one of the best nights Fox Point has to offer! But as the sun goes down, it can get very busy and everyone needs to take precaution. Remind your children not to dash across the street.
Lastly, now is a good time to make sure your outdoor lamp is in working order. Not only does the extra lighting make it safer but it also adds curb appeal to your home and to our neighborhood.
Stay safe.
Quick link to some Halloween Safety Tips:
By Christine Mickey | Email
The Fox Point tennis courts will be open through the end of October depending on the weather. Please continue to enjoy them this fall!
See you on the courts!