Association Information

General Information

The Fox Point Homeowners Association (FPHA) is a self-managed organization with an 11-member volunteer Board of Directors.  Each member is elected by homeowner ballot to three-year terms.  This working board requires each board member to assume leadership responsibility for functions necessary to the operation of the association.

The Standing Committees are:

  • Architecture
  • Civic
  • Common Grounds
  • Finance
  • Lake
  • Pool
  • Safety& Welfare
  • Social
  • Tennis

The Fox Point Board of Directors usually meet on the third Monday of each month. Homeowners are welcome to attend all meetings as guests and are given the opportunity before each meeting to comment.

The Annual Meeting of Homeowners typically occurs on the last Monday in January each year. This meeting is primarily to elect Nominees to fill vacancies on the board. All homeowner may have the opportunity to run for a Board Vacancy.

Accounting, Landscaping, Snowplowing of walkways on Lake-Cook RD, Pool Management, Tennis Program Management are outsourced to qualified professional companies.

Association Declaration & Bylaws

You can view/download the Declaration of Easements, Restrictions, and Covenants for Fox Point Homeowners Association here:

Fox Point: A 50 Year Tradition of Good Neighbors
Fox Point’s Governing Documents limit the association’s authority over activities on public or private property. Our roads are public and speeding and reckless driving are matters for the Police. The Village of Barrington is responsible for building codes, permitting processes, dog licensing, dog waste ordinances, waste removal and noise issues. The Village bans overnight street parking. The State bans fireworks.
Nonetheless, these and other issues related to activities are often brought to the attention of the Fox Point Board. We take this opportunity to share common attributes of a good Fox Point neighbor:

Safety First

Comply with posted municipal speed limits. Avoid talking on the phone or texting while driving. Be alert to walkers and especially children. Walk facing oncoming traffic. If possible, move to the grass when traffic approaches. The school path on the South Side was created to accommodate walkers. The streets on the South side are not appropriate alternatives to the designated school drop-off/pick-up for cars. Use the designated school drop-off/pick up area, off of Eastern. Also, please do not drop kids off in homeowner’s driveways or outside of the signs in these designated areas.

  • Monitor battery life of underground fence collars to keep you pet contained on your property.
  • Comply with village ordinance by leashing dogs and picking up their waste.
  • Comply with village ordinance banning overnight street parking.
  • Remove dead trees and shrubs from your property to reduce your potential liability.
  • Keep your front yard light in working order.
  • Comply with state ban on fireworks.
  • Report suspicious or reckless behaviors and vandalism to the Police.
  • Comply with Village ordinance and don’t burn your leaves.
  • Encourage guests to park on one side of the street to allow emergency vehicles to pass.

Pride of Ownership

  • Secure offsite storage for RVs, boats and trailers. However, as a courtesy, you may store these for no more than one week on your property.
  • Mow your grass and rake your leaves, when necessary.
  • Remove holiday decorations within a reasonable time, after the holiday.
  • Put your waste cans out no earlier than the evening before pick-up and retrieve empty cans same day.
  • Make obvious repairs to and replacement of elements that front the street, as necessary.
  • Remove portable sport equipment from front yard at the end of play.


  • Respect the peaceful quiet of the neighborhood.
  • Respect the peaceful quiet of the neighborhood by not mowing or leaf blowing before 8:00AM.
  • Respect your neighbors’ view and hearing range when positioning temporary trampolines and seasonal ice rinks.

Fox Point Finances
  • The Association maintains both an Operating Budget and Fund and a Capital Reserve Budget and Fund. Routine, recurring income/expenses are accounted for within the Operating Budget while funds are set aside annually to accrue for repairs and replacement of assets as it becomes necessary to do so. 
  • The Association publishes a proposed Operating Budget and intention for Capital Spending, each year and makes it available to all homeowners as a part of the December Newsletter, at least 30 days before the Board of Directors is expected to take action on it. It also publishes an Annual Financial Statement reflecting the prior year’s budget versus actual income and expenditure and fund balances
  • A Town Hall meeting is held whenever a significant capital expenditure is contemplated to present the business case and plan to create an opportunity for homeowners to ask questions.
  • Capital Reserve Funds are held in an FDIC-insured Money Market Fund and/or FDIC-insured CDs. Income related to these investments accrues to the Capital Reserve Fund.
  • The Association periodically subjects its assets and Capital Reserve Fund to a professional Reserve Study whereby assets are inspected, remaining useful life is evaluated and replacement costs are estimated. These future expenses are then compared to actual and expected incomes to determine adequacy.
  • The Association imposes an Annual Assessment to all homes each year representing the equal share of Operating Expenses and Reserve Contribution.   The Assessment covers the calendar year and is payable by 3/31 of each year.
  • Social, Competitive Water Sports Programs and the Tennis Program are ” Pay for Use” and Assessments are not used to pay for these expenses. 

Common Interest Community Association Act ( CICAA)
You can view the Common Interest Community Association Act ( CICAA) by click the link below:


CICAA Compliant Complaint Form

Board of Directors

Bill Graff | Email

Kyle Powal | Email

Lindsay Keenan| Email

Common Grounds

Jason Elhert| Email

Civic Affairs
Lisa Brooks | Email

Safety & Welfare
Greg Salter | Email

Andrew Shwarz | Email

Jeana Garms | Email

Taylor Shanfeld | Email

Criss Chang | Email

Steve Kipferl | Email


Complaint Form

Complaint Form